Our safety rules

We’re a trampoline park, not a playground, but we do offer a playground accessible only to children under 115cm, under compulsory adult supervision.

The rest of the park is accessible only to children and adults over 115cm.

Trampolining is a risky sport, so we ask you to follow some basic rules to avoid accidents:

  • Only one person per trampoline, to avoid causing double bounces (forbidden in our park).
  • Always jump with 2 feet, never on one foot, to avoid twisting an ankle.
  • It’s forbidden to run in the park, on the canvases or from one canvas to another.
  • In the event of a fall, never land on your hands (in the event of a fall, curl up into a ball).
  • Never jump into the foam box with your head forward, to avoid neck injuries; make sure there’s no one in the box before jumping; don’t hide under the foam blocks; and don’t jump with your feet forward (3 possibilities for landing correctly in the foam: either in a ball, on your buttocks or on your back).

In our park, you’ll find 2 zones for experts:

  • the white canvases, which are sports canvases with a strong bounce: don’t jump too high, and always stay in the center.
  • the Warrior bounce, the most difficult and dangerous zone in the park, accessible only to the best jumpers.
  • Do not perform any uncontrolled tricks
  • Do not eat or drink in play areas
  • Do not wear any objects or jewelry
  • Wear sports clothing

Our instructors are present in the park to guide you, but they reserve the right to intervene and ask you to stop any practice that is not sufficient for your safety.


*Our socks

Why do we only ask you to wear our New Jump anti-slip socks?

Firstly, our trampolines are more than just garden fabrics, and for safety’s sake, they’re fireproof, which makes them slippery.

Secondly, our fabrics are of superior quality, with superior rebound, produced by reputable manufacturers who are also active in the professional catamaran sector, and are not simply Chinese fabrics as in some other parks. So you can see that we’ve pulled out all the stops for your comfort and safety.

Unfortunately, in the early days of our business, we found that not all socks had the same level of finish. This led to indelible marks on some of our fabrics.

Since we want to preserve the appearance of our fabrics, we’ve reworked the finish of our own socks ourselves, and we hope you’ll understand why we no longer accept socks from outside.

Our infrastructure

Plan Newjump Mons

Firstly, we have thought about the layout of our play areas to limit the risk of interference between them, and thus limit the risk of accidents.

We made a point of using materials designed and manufactured in France, assembled and adapted directly in the park by the manufacturers themselves.

These materials comply with very precise and strict specifications, ahead of their time in anticipation of European safety standards still under development.

What’s more, at the manufacturer’s initiative, our fabrics have undergone a series of tests, pushing their limits to over 700kg.
Every protective pad in our park has been carefully selected and positioned according to its impact-absorbing density.

And finally, in consultation with our manufacturer, we are the only ones to have limited the density of jumpers in our park in relation to our surface area, to limit the risks and for your comfort too.


Safety comes through training.

Firstly, we enriched our knowledge of the trampoline sector by training with colleagues with a background in professional trampolining.

Secondly, we were the first in Belgium to call on the expertise of the Walloon Gymnastics Federation, who personally trained our employees in trampoline safety and basic jumping.

Today, we’re still hard at work, continuing to improve our knowledge and skills every day so that we can welcome you in the best possible conditions.